Trick To buy Yu Yureka from amazon on 29th Jan 2015 using Auto Buy Script - 100% Working

Micromax Yu Yureka
3rd Flash Sale

29th Jan 2015 at 2pm IST
Many has successfully bought Yu Yureka using our Auto Buy Script on 22nd Jan 2015. Since there were only limited stocks available, some of them failed to get it added to the cart. And some even got it bu automatically joining the wait list. Our script guarantees 90% more chance for winning when compared to direct buying.  
Drag and drop the following link to your browser bookmark bar and click on it a few minutes before sale begins.

After bookmark is added go to the Yureka Flash Sale Page.
Make sure you have a latest browser version and a good internet connection.

Points to note
1. Close all programs except your browser
2. Open the sale page in 6 tabs
3. When it is about 5 minutes remaining, refresh two tabs at a time
4. When the page is loaded completely, apply the script
 5. Then refresh other two tabs and do the same
6. Continue this till sale begins
7. If any tab fails to load or is taking too much time, stop the process and refresh again
8. Make sure you see Hacked message at top, else it won't work

Very Important: Amazon is refreshing their site quiet often. If you do not see the yellow banner at the top with text "Hacked" click Yureka Auto Buy button immediately.


  1. man plz help me i couldnt purchase yureka in both flash sales..........i am desperate and i want to purchase it...........i come online in advance log in and i cant get the phone..........why.......i want to purchase it........i used your scrpt but was in w8list on 22nd jan so bad and in wait list i couldnt get it till end

    1. Google server is not sophisticated. So connection b/w you and server is a major problem.

  2. You mentioned to open at least 6 tabs. And refresh each one before 5 minutes. Please clarify the last step. Should we click BUY NOW button manually on one of the tabs or it will be added to the cart automatically? Please confirm this step

    1. If everything goes well.. you won't see Add to cart button as the script will try to buy the phone automatically.. In worst case if you see the buy button... click it manually..

    2. Thanks. To be on the safer side, can I open 6 tabs in chrome and 6 in firefox, all 12 tabs of one registered amazon id Or two separate registered ids, like 6 of id in chrome and 6 of another in firefox. Or it will be overloaded?

    3. It depends on your computer & internet speed.. If the internet/computer is overloaded the result will be negitive.
      I suggest one browser (latest version) and 6 tabs

    4. hey i guess u r the admin of the blog........first of all i want to thank you. even though i couldnt buy the phone using your script but i posted my distress comment on your blog repeatedly and it turns out that some1 named vishal actually approached me and offered me to buy a brandnew yureka by sharing his flipkart id and password.........i am overjoyed and this was something not expected.......i have finally bought the yureka through him today thanks to the creator of this blog for the opportunity.

  3. To the author, what is the screen resolution of your screen: 1366*768 or 1024*768 or something else?

    I needed it. Anyone here can help.

    Or the screen recording software stretches it to 1024*768?

    Comment on this.

    1. its 1366*768. But resolution doesn't matter.

  4. What after hack. pl elaborate.

  5. what the hell is this in two different browser two different countdown difference of 5 to 10 seconds what to do can any body have any idea

  6. yes facing same issue...dont know what to do

  7. dude this is the third time i wasnt able to add to my cart and whats more this time the script dint even run ......i clicked on your script this tiome and the yellow banner like everytime didnt show is this man.........i dont even know wat to do should i give so much attention to something which doesnt favour me any time...............plz give me some solution to this

    1. I was not able to buy, but I saw hacked banner.

  8. plz if anyone has purchased and is planing to reject it plz give me your login i will purchase from you......i will give in my details............give me a miscall on 8450962560 or mail me immediately to i will purchase it from you

  9. preferably give me miscall i will call back

  10. It didn't worked, I'll buy manually from next time. Not your fault. It was my bad luck or amazon was more clever.

  11. Yohooooo!
    Yesterday the script worked for Lenovo A 6000 n today Yureka!
    Man you are awesome! U rock! Keep it up ! :D

    1. what is your internet speed?? just researching if it matters...

    2. 20mbps and i got it through this nice hack

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. yesterday i reported this script to amazon and they told they will work on it and they did so the script not worked for people. because of the sftexpert people like us were unable to buy so i did this

    1. great work dude! but sorry... better luck next time..
      The script worked this time as well.. i got it added to my cart.. some script users didn't got it this time also.. thats not because amazon did something marvelous... it was just because of their inefficient server.

    2. They can't block these type of scripts.. As this will favour their sales by a hype that it sold out in 1sec, 2sec, 3sec etc... And what we are doing is just giving them business... So just use this if you wish or else ignore it...

    3. i added without your script and lol the prcie went 12500 in cart on 29th sale so just cancelled and now ordering on 5th feb

  14. if anybody want note 4g then tell me i have it still in my cart if you want then i can order at your addresses

  15. I got get it using the script thank u

    1. Congrats.. Thanks for updating..

    2. Did you clicked the buy button or it was added automatically??
      Also is it necessary to have the latest version of the browser?

  16. Keep used updating this is a great work

  17. I got it with your script!! Thanks a lot

  18. I got it with your script!! Thanks a lot

  19. Thanks I GOT IT....

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