Trick To buy Yu Yureka from amazon on 5th Feb 2015 using Auto Buy Script - 100% Working

Micromax Yu Yureka
4th Flash Sale

05th Feb 2015 at 2pm IST only on
Many has successfully bought Yu Yureka using our Auto Buy Script on 29th Jan 2015. Since there were only limited stocks available, some of them failed to get it added to the cart. And some even got it by automatically joining the wait list. Our script guarantees 90% more chance for winning when compared to direct buying.  
Drag and drop the following link to your browser bookmark bar and click on it a few minutes before sale begins.

After bookmark is added go to the Yureka Flash Sale Page.
Make sure you have a latest browser version and a good internet connection.

Points to note
1. Close all programs except your browser
2. Open the sale page in 4 browser windows and align it in such a way that you can see all at a time
3. When it is about 5 minutes remaining refresh each window one at a time
4. When less than 1 minute, apply the script on the window whose count down time is least
 5. Make sure you see Hacked message at top, else it won't work

Live Streaming


  1. hacked msg appeared but ..checking dela status wet on for 2 mins...dan msg .. waitlist full 100 % claimed...NOT WORKED

  2. no worked..! :( i was trying for 4 sales./. but didint got the yureka. !

  3. can you please send me massage on facebook

  4. can you please send me massage on facebook

  5. Can we use the Script on multiple Windows if I need to book multiple phones?

    1. Yes but it should be different browsers or browser modes. It is not possible to login to multiple accounts if using same browser mode for all instances.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. will the same thing work for feb 11 flash sale for lenovo a6000?
