Printing a document in Windows Forms

Printing a document in Windows Forms

In Visual studio, there is a built-in controller which makes the printing job much easy. I’m quoting a sample WinForm application to print data dynamically.
First Create a new Windows Form application. Create a form similar to this

The ids of the text boxes I’ve created are Item1, Price1, Item2, Price2 respectively.
You can enter the contents in the textboxes. Also include these codes:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  Price_TextChanged(sender, e);
  //To show the total onload. I just hardcoded the test valuses in those text boxes.

//Fires whern the print button is clicked
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

//Fires when its starting the print. For printing we have to fill the print document        with a Graphics canvas. This is inhirited from the System.Drawing class
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
    e.Graphics.DrawString(ShopName.Text, new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 15, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.Blue, 75, 30);
    e.Graphics.DrawString(Item1.Text, DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, 50, 80);
    e.Graphics.DrawString(Price1.Text, DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, 150, 80);
    e.Graphics.DrawString(Item2.Text, DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, 50, 100);
    e.Graphics.DrawString(Price2.Text, DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, 150, 100);
    e.Graphics.DrawString("Total", new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 15, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.Red, 50, 130);
    e.Graphics.DrawString(Total.Text, new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 15, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.Red, 150, 130);

//This is for updating the total amount when the values in the textbox changed and form onload
private void Price_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Total.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(Price1.Text ?? "0") + Convert.ToInt32(Price2.Text ?? "0")).ToString();

This code will print this page to the default printer

You can download the sample code from here...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much.I was looking for a simple example. You are great! Thanks again. Looking forwad for more from you.
